

Aqua-Valley accompanies its members throughout the different project phases, from emerging innovation, project and product development, right through to the commercialisation stage. Members benefit from the direct support and guidance provided through the large and diverse cluster network.

Notre offre de service

Aqua-Valley offers support across the 5 key stages of developing successful innovation projects.


  • Project emergence: Aqua-Valley organises and facilitates specialist committees, working groups and technical days to help members develop innovative ideas and create solutions for the future.
  • Project development: By listening carefully to the needs of members, Aqua-Valley helps identify the best funding opportunities and the most suitable project partners.
  • Project labelling: As a founding member of France Water Team, Aqua-Valley boosts members’ chances of obtaining funding, and through its committee of experts, acts as a trusted third party for the evaluation and endorsement of projects.
  • Project implementation: Aqua-Valley participates in annual follow-up meetings and helps members anticipate the post-project/delivery phase.
  • Project promotion: Aqua-Valley improves the visibility of projects developed by members and/or partners.
  • Aqua-Valley améliore la visibilité des projets des adhérents et des partenaires impliqués.

Your contact


Chargé de projets Eau
+33 6 52 36 45 64

Mylène HACHE

Chargée de mission (Toulouse)
+33 6 34 66 93 47

Ea éco-entreprises

Daria MATIGNON, Chargée de mission innovation • Délégation Aqua-Valley en Région Sud
+33 6 30 06 83 78
Pourquoi adhérer à Aqua-valley ?

Pourquoi adhérer ?

Découvrez les services et l’accompagnement réservés aux membres du pôle Aqua-Valley. En savoir plus


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